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Introduction to the DCDR Advocacy initiative

The Initiative

Data-Centric Digital Rights (DCDR), an initiative from The IO Foundation, is the advocacy by which it aims at protecting citizens' Rights by transparently implementing in their daily technology the regulations that should protect them.

TIOF views the technology as currently non-correlated with all working understandings and practices as to how any public-consumption industry functions traditionally where a clear separation is made between:

  • Experts, who understand the complexities to design and build products that are compliant with applicable legislation and

  • Citizens, who are solely tasked for being responsible users of the product

As core stakeholders, technologists play a critical role as the Next Generation of Rights Defenders and need to orient themselves through new design and implementation paradigms focused on protecting data. The DCDR Principles put forward by The IO Foundation are concepts that help them navigate the intricacies of applying Human and Digital Rights in digital infrastructures, products and services.

In essence, DCDR is a framework for technologists composed by Principles, Taxonomies and other technical tools. It enables them to develop a deeper understanding about the nature of data, the digital twins that emerge from it and make possible for them to embrace their role as NextGen Rights Defenders.


The DCDR initiative aims at encouraging a shift in the current technology paradigms by providing

Mission & Vision

While the DCDR initiative is designed in order to support TIOF's mission and to achieve its vision, it nonetheless also formulates its own Mission & Vision.


To provide technologist with a clear framework and taxonomies to embed Data-Centric Digital Rights into technology and enable their role as Next Generation of Rights Defenders.


A world where technology protects digital citizens and their digital twins transparently and by design.


The DCDR initiative adheres to the same values as The IO Foundation to deliver its mission.


The IO Foundation regularly publishes articles, research papers and other documents such as comments on public consultations related to its advocacy. Check out DCDR's publications.


The IO Foundation regularly organizes events and participates in international fora where the organization puts forward its advocacy and engages with all stakeholders. TIOF's handles all of its events through its TechUp initiative. Check out DCDR's events.

Engaged Stakeholders

The advancement of TIOF's DCDR advocacy is made possible with the collaboration of a number of partner and supporting organizations, funders and individual citizens.

Last updated