Project Information
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Under the TechUp initiative, the Tech Up Fellowship, is a project by The IO Foundation designed to equip technologists with a solid understanding of the Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) ecosystem. Participants acquire the necessary skills to engage in the development of digital standards and policies, ensuring that technology prioritizes protecting users by design through the observance of the Data-Centric Digital Rights framework.
The fellowship encourages collaboration and provides opportunities for active participation in SDO work and activities.
Being a Fellow The fellowship will help you to:
understand how the Standards Developing Organizations' ecosystem functions
discover which SDOs should matter to you and your career
actively participate actively in the standards and policies that shape the digital ecosystem
be availed of opportunities to participate in SDO work, activities and meetings
ensure that technology protects users by design
Fellows receive a certificate for each one of their TechUp Fellowship engagements (check our platform).
The TechUp Fellowship is organized around two engagement types:
Single meeting engagement focusing on specific work.
Full Season engagement with work encompassing a range of objectives.
This section contains links to resources related to this project.