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As a TechUp participant, you will have the opportunity to learn new soft and technical skills, meet new people from all walks of life and engage in conversations and activities geared towards creating a meaningful impact on technology and policy.


Programmers, developers and other tech professionals will find a wealth of opportunities to learn new tools, network with global tech change-makers and find collaboration opportunities.


Citizens get to better understand their role in advocating for Digital Rights.


Students who sign up will find TechUp sessions a valuable complement to their lessons and give them a chance to interface with professionals in different industries from around the world. Education institutions may also find collaboration opportunities via TechUp and make their brand known to learners.

Civil Society

Non-tech CSOs with links to digital rights could find an audience within the tech space and engage with tech professionals, local or abroad, for their advocacy.


Corporations may find TechUp sessions useful for professional development as well as for scouting potential fresh talent among participants. The event may also serve as a platform for companies to reach out to their target markets, showcase their products, share their CSR efforts and link up with possible philanthropic partners.


Increasing the level of awareness for citizens about their rights in the digital world.


Looking for community? Programmers come to TechUp to increase their technical knowledge and capabilities together.


Find talents and find out how human rights could give your company an added advantage for your business.


Network and get in touch with current and future technologists for academic exposure, training, and research.


Get updated on global tech and human rights conversations for policy changes, law-making, and adapting governments for the 21st century.

As a TechUp weekend participant, you will have the opportunity to learn new soft and technical skills, meet new people from all walks of life and engage in conversations and activities geared towards creating a meaningful impact on technology and policy.


Programmers, developers and other tech professionals will find a wealth of opportunities to learn new tools, network with global tech leaders and find collaboration opportunities.

Civic Tech

Through TechUp, civic tech organizations will be able to grow their member base and network with possible volunteers and donors. They will also get the chance to promote their events and find potential collaborators.

Civil Society

Non-tech CSOs with links to digital rights could find an audience within the tech space and engage with tech professionals, local or abroad, for their advocacy.


Students who sign up will find TechUp sessions a valuable complement to their lessons and give them a chance to interact with sought-after professionals from around the world. Education institutions may also find collaboration opportunities via TechUp and make their brand known to learners.


Corporations may find TechUp sessions useful for professional development as well as for scouting potential fresh talent among participants. The event may also serve as a platform for companies to reach out to their target markets, showcase their products, share their CSR efforts and link up with possible philanthropic partners.


Last updated