🔀Theory of Change

Version 1.0 | This Theory of Change was approved on DD MMMM YYYY.

ShortURL | Playbook | Assistant


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This section describes the Theory of Change that guides the UDDR initiative and its impact.

The observed problem

The IO Foundation has observed the following problems:

The long time assentado methodology to introduce products to markets is not applied to public consumption software.

Compliance cannot be verified

Agencies do not have the tools

Developers can't ensure compliance

Citizens can't be certain that they are protected > Lack of trust

Companies do not compete on a same plain field (cost)

[Work in Progress]

The proposed solutions

The IO Foundation proposes the following solutions to the observed problems.

[Work in Progress]

Theory of change

The IO Foundation proposes the following Theory of Change to address the observed problems.

[Work in Progress]

Last updated


The IO Foundation