Date & Time Management
Version 1.0 | This Policy was approved on DD MMMM YYYY.
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This document employs terms related to the DCDR Advocacy that can be found in the TIOF terminology.
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About this document
This document, hereinafter the Policy, sets out the position maintained by TIOF in matters of Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery that you will need to be aware of while being a TIOF Member. You should familiarize yourself with it and comply with it at all times. Any questions you may have with regard to its contents or what you have to do to comply with it should be referred to your corresponding Team Human Resources Manager.
Any Member who breaches this Policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for gross misconduct. Any non-employee who breaches this Policy may have their contract (or equivalent official relationship with TIOF) terminated with immediate effect.
This document complements TIOF's Code of Conduct.
This document does not form part of any Engagement Document and we may amend it at any time following the procedures described in TIOF's Statute.
This document directly applies to:
All TIOF Members
This document indirectly applies to:
The policies set out in this document apply to all TIOF Members unless otherwise indicated. They therefore apply to Members of the Boards (Directors, Advisers, Consultants), Employees, Volunteers and Interns; this is irrespective of their engagement type. They equally apply to all Contributors and will be used as part of the selection criteria when engaging with them.
This Policy applies within all TIOF Spaces, including (although not limited to) management activities, contributions or events; it and also applies when an individual is officially representing the organization in public spaces. Examples of representing the organization include (although not limited to) using an official e-mail address, posting via any official channel or acting as an appointed representative at an event.
Review and Amendments This policy shall be reviewed regularly to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Amendments may be made to adapt to new legal requirements, changing circumstances or to better serve the organization's Mission.
Policy details
Anti corruption and Anti bribery statement
The IO Foundation is committed to conducting its advocacy and all of its initiatives in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, transparently, fairly, with integrity and under the observance of the law in our advocacy, operations, financial management and relationships.
What is bribery?
First day of the week: Monday
Time format: HH:MM (Military format)
Time zone: UTC+0
Calendars (Organization + Team wide)
Working week is from Monday to Friday.
Months follow solar cycle.
Time zones
Reference days
Winter Time: 1st January
Summer Time: 1st Jul7
Using other Time zones
In certain cases, the proper Time Zone to be used is different from the Organization's standard.
All deadlines are to be established based on 00:00:00 UTC+0 of the day immediately after the last day.
Format: DD/MM/YYYY or dddd mmmm yyyy
Regular meetings
All regular meetings need to be set latest 1 week before the beginning of a new month.
Schduling meetings
The IO Foundation requires the coordinated efforts of TIOF Members who are located in different countries around the world. In addition, several countries observe Daylight Saving Time (DST) when local times shift by one hour forward or back depending on the season. This adds more complexity to coordinating meetings. The total number of potential time zones means that setting meeting times agreed upon creates a complex problem.
To reduce the difficulties of finding mutually convenient meeting times TIOF shall implement a scheduling platform that will simplify these processes no matter how many attendees there are or where they are located.
Last updated