πŸ”·Articles of Association

Version 1.2

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These Articles of Association was approved on 08 July 2020.

TIOF's Articles of Association are in the process of being updated.

Estonian version

This is the original filed and registered version.

MTÜ "The IO Foundation" páhikiri

  1. MTÜ "The IO Foundation" (edaspidi ühing) on avalikes huvides tegutsev organisatsioon, mille asukohaks on Tallinna linn.

  2. Ühingu eesmÀrgiks on edendada, kaitsta, arendada ja vÀÀrtustada digitaalseid áigusi.

  3. Ühingu liikmeks olla iga füüsiline vái juriidiline isik, kes on valmis aktiivselt kaasa lââma ühingu eesmÀrkide elluviimisel ja tÀidab páhikirja náudeid. Liikmeks vastuvátmise ja vÀljaarvamise korraldab ühingu juhatus.

  4. Ühingu liikmel on káik seadusest tulenevad áigused ja áigus saada juhtorganitelt igakülgset teavet ühingu tegevuse kohta.

  5. Ühingu sisseastumis- ja liikmemaksu suurused kinnitab üldkoosolek.

  6. Ühingu liige váidakse ühingust vÀlja arvata lisaks seaduses sÀtestatud juhtudele, kui ta ei tasu kindlaksmÀÀratud ajaks ettenÀhtud liikmemaksu vái sisseastumismaksu; vái on esitanud ühingusse vastuvátmisel teadlikult ebaáigeid andmeid, mille táttu tema vastuvátmine ühingu liikmeks ei olnud áiguspÀrane.

  7. Ühingu kárgeimaks organiks on liikmete üldkoosolek vastavalt seadusele, kus váivad osaleda káik ühingu liikmed.

  8. Üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumisel ja otsuste vastuvátmisel lÀhtutakse seadusest. Üldkoosolek on otsustusváimeline sáltumata osalejate arvust.

  9. Ühingu juhatusse valitakse üks kuni kolm liiget viieks aastaks.

  10. Ühingu tegevuse lápetamise korral antakse jÀrelejÀÀnud vara üle tulumaksusoodustusega mittetulundusühingute ja sihtasutuste ja usuliste ühenduste nimekirja liikmeks olevale sarnase eesmÀrgiga organisatsioonile vái avalik- áiguslikule juriidilise isikule.

Vastu vΓ΅etud 08.07.2020

English Version

This is an automatically translated version.

Statutes of the NGO "The IO Foundation"

  1. The NGO "The IO Foundation" (hereinafter the association) operates in the public interest an organization based in the city of Tallinn.

  2. The purpose of the Association is to promote, protect, develop and enhance digital rights.

  3. Any natural or legal person who is willing to take an active part in membership may be a member of the association to achieve the goals of the association and fulfills the requirements of the articles of association. Membership admission and expulsion shall be organized by the board of the association.

  4. A member of the association has all the rights arising from law and the right to receive from the governing bodies comprehensive information on the activities of the association.

  5. The amounts of the association's entrance and membership fees are approved by the general meeting.

  6. A member of an association may be expelled from the association in addition to the cases provided by law, if he fails to pay the prescribed membership fee, or entrance fee; or has knowingly submitted incorrect information upon admission to the association data due to which his admission as a member of the association was not lawful.

  7. The highest body of the association is the general meeting of members in accordance with the law where all members of the association may participate.

  8. When convening a general meeting and adopting resolutions, the law shall apply. The general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of participants.

  9. One to three members shall be elected to the board of the association for a term of five years.

  10. Upon termination of the activities of the Association, the remaining assets shall be transferred non-profit associations and foundations and religious associations with income tax relief a similar organization or public to a legal person.

Adopted on 08.07.2020

Last updated


The IO Foundation