
Version 1.0 | This Policy was approved on DD MMMM YYYY.

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This document employs terms related to the DCDR Advocacy that can be found in the TIOF terminology.

For a structure of The IO Foundation, please visit

About this document

This document, hereinafter the Policy, sets out the position maintained by TIOF in matters of Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery that you will need to be aware of while being a TIOF Member. You should familiarize yourself with it and comply with it at all times. Any questions you may have with regard to its contents or what you have to do to comply with it should be referred to your corresponding Team Human Resources Manager.

Any Member who breaches this Policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for gross misconduct. Any non-employee who breaches this Policy may have their contract (or equivalent official relationship with TIOF) terminated with immediate effect.

This document complements TIOF's Code of Conduct.

This document does not form part of any Engagement Document and we may amend it at any time following the procedures described in TIOF's Statute.


This document directly applies to:

This document indirectly applies to:

The policies set out in this document apply to all TIOF Members unless otherwise indicated. They therefore apply to Members of the Boards (Directors, Advisers, Consultants), Employees, Volunteers and Interns; this is irrespective of their engagement type. They equally apply to all Contributors and will be used as part of the selection criteria when engaging with them.

This Policy applies within all TIOF Spaces, including (although not limited to) management activities, contributions or events; it and also applies when an individual is officially representing the organization in public spaces. Examples of representing the organization include (although not limited to) using an official e-mail address, posting via any official channel or acting as an appointed representative at an event.

Review and Amendments This policy shall be reviewed regularly to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Amendments may be made to adapt to new legal requirements, changing circumstances or to better serve the organization's Mission.

Policy details

Anti corruption and Anti bribery statement


Press Releases

Signing petitions / statements

TIOF does not, in general, sign public petitions or statements.

Requets to comment

By local member.

Table of Contents

Expand / Collapse

  1. Introduction

    • Definitions

    • About this document

    • Scope

  2. Concepts

    • Name

    • Mission & Vision

    • Values

    • The advocacy

    • TIOF's Principles

    • TIOF Members

  3. Contents

    • Descriptions

    • Logos

    • Color palette

    • QR Codes

    • #Tags

  4. Official Channels

  5. TIOF Projects



This document employs terms related to the DCDR Advocacy that can be found in the TIOF terminology.

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About this document

This document defines all the necessary elements that conform The IO Foundation's Project Identity (Branding Guidelines) and their usage rules on Media Channels, by either TIOF members or external parties. It is a reference document to which all TIOF productions, either for internal or external use, must refer and adhere. You should familiarize yourself with this it and comply with it at all times. Any questions you may have with regard to its contents or what you have to do to comply with it should be referred to the corresponding project's Team Comms.

A document summarizing The IO Foundation's Branding Guidelines is also available.

This document does not form part of any Engagement Document and we may amend it at any time.

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This document directly applies to:

  • All [TIOF Members] (https://github.com/TheIOFoundation/TIOF/wiki/Terminology#member)

This document indirectly applies to:

  • All [TIOF Contributors] (https://github.com/TheIOFoundation/TIOF/wiki/Terminology#contributors) that may produce any type of content related to The IO Foundation.

The policies and procedures set out in this document apply to all TIOF Members unless otherwise indicated. They therefore apply to anyone involved in the sharing of productions through any official channel, irrespective of their part-time, fixed-term or casual status.

This document applies within all TIOF spaces, including (although not limited to) management activities, project contributions or events, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the broader community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include (although not limited to) using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account or acting as an appointed representative at an event (online or offline).

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This document describes the Media Policy of The IO Foundation.

General approach


This Code of Conduct applies to:

  • All [TIOF Members] (https://github.com/TheIOFoundation/TIOF/wiki/Terminology#member)

This Code of Conduct applies within all TIOF spaces, including (although not limited to) management activities, project contributions or events, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the broader community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include (although not limited to) using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account or acting as an appointed representative at an event (online or offline).


TIOF employs any outreach channel only to update its beneficiaries, partners and Members about the following:

  • The progress of its advocacy

  • Updates on its projects

  • Announcements (such as events organized by TIOF or in which TIOF participates)

  • Official statements

  • Exposing disinformation relative to its advocacy and technology in general

Note on Comments and Reactions: TIOF will not engage in exchanges that users may initiate as a result of its media outreach campaigns and will, to the extend of the settings available per platform, undertake the necessary configuration measures to disable such options.

Types of Media Channel

The IO Foundation categorizes their media Media Channels under several dimensions, one of them being the Update Mode, and accordingly adopts a different strategy in order to maximize the adoption of its advocacy while finding ways to reach out to its beneficiaries. For more details on the Update Mode please refer to each Media Channel definition below.

Update Mode:

  • Cast::XXX TIOF owns/controls this Media Channel. TIOF will publish content in accordance to its own schedule. Content customization will not be the norm. [WTI]

  • Targeted::XXX TIOF has some endpoint ID with the beneficiary. TIOF will approach beneficiaries using there endpoint ID and customizing the contents whenever possible. [WTI]

For media organizations

This section provides guidance for media channels in their mention to The IO Foundation, its advocacy and the programs it implements on their channels.

The IO Foundation encourages media organizations to actively participate in the dissemination of knowledge and news about the advocacy of Data-Centric Digital Rights.

For any further clarifications, please send your inquires to [email protected]

Media Kits

The following Media Kits are available:

Referencing content from The IO Foundation's own channels

Coming soon.

About Social Media

Where do we stand on Social Media (and equivalent platforms)

In order to enable meaningful impact for its advocacy, The IO Foundation needs to reach out to its beneficiaries and stakeholders. In an eminently connected and ever increasing digital world, it is inevitable to use the platforms in which they interact and from which they obtain their news.

It is clear that most of these platforms do not embrace business models that are conducive to the observance of Human and Digital Rights; they simply are merely following regulations. And reluctantly, at that.

Under the current circumstances, The IO Foundation is compelled to find a that a balance between achieving impact through outreach and minimize its participation in such practices so as to reduce both the extraction of users' data and the generation of metadata that may be used for [harmful outcomes].

We do have profiles there. They are empty and mostly there to protect the organization from identity theft. If you find us, please don’t β€œLike” us, don’t β€œFollow us” or anything alike. We don’t support

The IO Foundation is actively researching alternative methods to reach out to its beneficiaries, stakeholders and partners that would be more aligned with the concept of Rights. If you'd like to participate in this research, visit our discussion.

TIOF discourages the use of mainstream social media platform for a number of reasons:

  • Data extraction from its users This happens at several levels: Direct Data Collection + Inferred Data Collection + Human Sensor Collection

  • Segmentation of users, fostering the creation of echo chambers

  • Application of behavior modification algorithms

If you wish to know more about these effects, we encourage you to observe the following information: [WIP]


To the citizen: The IO Foundation has used this platform with the sole purpose of communicating information related to its advocacy and events. We understand that its usage may have become fundamental in your daily activities and needs. It is important to understand, however, that this platform may be collecting more information about you than you expect or wish or even consented to. We encourage you to take a stand on this matter and demand that the platform operates under the principle of Rights by Design. Should the platform not change in the way they operate, we encourage you to stop using it and move towards alternatives that focus on keeping your data secure and away from abuse.

To the channel: The IO Foundation has used your platform with the sole purpose of communicating information related to its advocacy and events. We do not endorse in any way possible malpractices on collecting users' data as a result of their interaction with it and invite you to revisit your business model accordingly. In particular, we invite you to revise your technology stack and pivot towards the observance of the Rights by Design principle.

About general use of channels: The IO Foundation believes that free, open communication is key to face and solve the challenges that digital societies are experiencing and therefore any technological means of communication should enable the discovery of solutions. We deplore "Cancel culture" and invite citizens and platforms to be more open and acceptant of both scientific facts (those that made possible the existence of technology to being with) and opinions that may not conform to mainstream ideologies.

Media Archive

A list of media appearances and references can be found here: @@@

Should you wish to notify The IO Foundation about your reporting, please do so by contacting us at [email protected]

For partner organizations

Exchanging Media Kits

Using the Partner's Media Kit

  • TIOF's own channels

  • Media Channel sharings

For TIOF Members

This section provides guidance for those Members responsible for sharing content on behalf of The IO Foundation for the purpose of outreach campaigns for its advocacy and projects. For any further clarifications, please contact your Team Comms Coordinator.

@@@Create links to CRM Reports to extra the corresponding lists. @@@Create links to the specific handbooks for each of the Channels

Important considerations

All media sharing, regardless of the channel, will involve the following 3 steps

  • Creating, approving and planning All activities leading to the generation of the content. Content shall be generated at most one month and not later than a week before its assigned sharing date.

  • Executing All activities involved in the sharing of the content. Content shall be shared on the scheduled dates, maximizing the use of scheduling tools.

  • Reporting All activities performed to evaluate the impact of the content. Reports are to be provided at least one week before the established review dates.

Note: Members are to be provided with the necessary tools to perform their tasks. Should they experience any difficulty, they are to notify to their Team Comms Coordinator so that TIOF can find a suitable solution as soon as possible.

For Members tasked with creating, approving and planning media sharing

  • Members need to know and adhere to the applicable policies from The IO Foundation.

  • Members should be aware of the effect their actions may have on their images, as well as TIOF's image and be mindful that information shared through the Channels may be public for a long time.

Social media networks, blogs and other types of online content sometimes generate press and media attention or legal questions. Employees should refer these inquiries to authorized [Company] spokespersons.

Members should get appropriate permission before referring to or sharing contents post images of current or former Members, partners or any other individual and organization.

  • Members are to be mindful of using third party's copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property and get appropriate permission before creating any content.

  • The Team Comms Coordinator is responsible to ensure the application of this Media Policy across their team.

  • The Project Manager has final approval on all content and sharing strategies.

For Members tasked with executing the media sharing

  • Members will only share content previously approved by their corresponding Team Comms Coordinator.

  • Members should not, under no circumstance, engage in sharing content that does not correspond to the approved materials.

  • Members should not, under no circumstance, share any information that is considered confidential or not public. If there are questions about what is considered confidential, Members should check with their corresponding Team Human Resources

  • Members are encouraged to communicate to their Project Manager any relevant information they see on channels that relates or could affect TIOF or its advocacy.

  • Members are to report to their Team Comms Coordinator should they be engaged privately for matters concerning TIOF.

For Members tasked with reporting

  • Members are to generate the necessary reports in a scheduled manner and make them accessible to their Team Comms Coordinator. Tools are provided

Applicable regulations for personal use of media

While good judgment is always encouraged, The IO Foundation does not wish to regulate the behavior of its Members in their own interaction with media channels.

Members are to understand, and agree, that their sharing is to be considered solely theirs and do not imply any type of endorsement from The IO Foundation.

Relaying of 3rd party content

TIOF will review carefully the information it shares from 3rd party sources. Only 3rd party content approved by the Team Comms Coordinator may be relayed by TIOF.

Criteria to be followed when deciding to repost/forward 3rd party content

In order to repost/forward 3rd party content, the following criteria must all be met:

  • Does the content relate to the project's objectives or area of advocacy?

  • Does the content comply with TIOF's CoC?

Should any of these criteria be doubtful, please reach out to your Team Comms Coordinator for final approval.

Publishing of Content from TIOF Members


<Only in the context of correcting errata and other grammatical & syntactical mistakes WITHOUT changing the content or its meaning.>

  • To add links where appropriate

List of approved channels

The following are the list of approved media channels.

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Calendar

    • TIOF Public Events Calendar

    • TIOF Project Teams Calendars

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Email

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Eventbrite

    • TIOF organization profile

  • πŸ“’ Channel: GitHub

    • TIOF organization profile

  • πŸ“’ Channel: LinkedIn

    • TIOF organization profile

    • TIOF projects profile

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Meetup

  • πŸ“’ Channel: RSS

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Slack

    • TIOF

    • Selected 3rd party Slack workspaces

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Telegram

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Twitter

    • TIOF organization profile

    • TIOF projects profile

    • TIOF project Teams profile

  • πŸ“’ Channel: Website

Note: Any additionally approved Channel must be trigger the creating of the corresponding #Tag.

Any new channel must

  • be approved by Team Management

  • configured with the aid of Team UX/UI and with the help of the Media Kit

  • notify all TIOF Members

  • initiate an outreach campaign if necessary

  • About this policy

    1. This policy is in place to minimise the risks to our business through use of social media.

    2. This policy deals with the use of all forms of social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Wikipedia, Whisper, Instagram, Tumblr and all other social networking sites, internet postings and blogs. It applies to use of social media for business purposes as well as personal use that may affect our business in any way.

    3. This policy does not form part of any employee's contract of employment and we may amend it at any time.

  • Personal use of social media

    1. Occasional personal use of social media during working hours is permitted so long as it does not involve unprofessional or inappropriate content, does not interfere with your employment responsibilities or productivity and complies with this policy.

  • Prohibited use

    1. You must avoid making any social media communications that could damage our business interests or reputation, even indirectly.

    2. You must not use social media to defame or disparage us, our staff or any third party; to harass, bully or unlawfully discriminate against staff or third parties; to make false or misleading statements; or to impersonate colleagues or third parties.

    3. You must not express opinions on our behalf via social media, unless expressly authorised to do so by your manager. You may be required to undergo training in order to obtain such authorisation.

    4. You must not post comments about sensitive business-related topics, such as our performance, or do anything to jeopardise our trade secrets, confidential information and intellectual property. You must not include our logos or other trademarks in any social media posting or in your profile on any social media.

    5. The contact details of business contacts made during the course of your employment are our confidential information. On termination of employment you must provide us with a copy of all such information, delete all such information from your personal social networking accounts and destroy any further copies of such information that you may have.

    6. Any misuse of social media should be reported to [insert name].

  • Guidelines for responsible use of social media

    1. You should make it clear in social media postings, or in your personal profile, that you are speaking on your own behalf. Write in the first person and use a personal e-mail address.

    2. Be respectful to others when making any statement on social media and be aware that you are personally responsible for all communications which will be published on the internet for anyone to see.

    3. If you disclose your affiliation with us on your profile or in any social media postings, you must state that your views do not represent those of your employer (unless you have been authorised to speak on our behalf as set out in paragraph 3.3). You should also ensure that your profile and any content you post are consistent with the professional image you present to clients and colleagues.

    4. If you are uncertain or concerned about the appropriateness of any statement or posting, refrain from posting it until you have discussed it with [insert name].

    5. If you see social media content that disparages or reflects poorly on us, you should report it.

  • Breach of this policy

    1. Breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Any member of staff suspected of committing a breach of this policy will be required to co-operate with our investigation.

    2. You may be required to remove any social media content that we consider to constitute a breach of this policy. Failure to comply with such a request may in itself result in disciplinary action.

Last updated


The IO Foundation