📓🚧 Tasks


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This Handbook responds to the following Policies:


Structure of an Issue





  • Review the instructions on top & remove when ready to publish

  • Follow each of the segments of the Template

  • If your Issue is ready, please make sure to label it as Stage: Ready


Project Lockdown adopts a sane label approach to provide more structure and clarity to the different project tasks that are published.

The more important Labels types are:

  • Need: Illustrates the nature of the need described in the Issue. Issues are primarily organized by Need.

  • Stage: Determines the implementation phase in which the Issue is at present time.

  • Module: Indicates which module is the Issue related to.

Other relevant Labels are:

  • Priority: Sets the corresponding degree of urgency to solve the Issue.

  • Keyword: Lists specific technologies that the Issue requires.

A complete list of Labels and their usage can be found on the wiki:  How to participate > Labels



Tasks flow

  • For code-related issues If you are not already, please familiarize yourself with GitHub's flow https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/ Check the list of code-related issues: [Need: Code + Stage: Ready]

  • For other type of needs All Issues have instructions on how to proceed to implement them. Should you have any doubts, please open a  Q&A Discussion. Check the list of code-related issues: [Need: Code + Stage: Ready]

Other resources

You can find all necessary information to learn about Project Lockdown, its technical documentation and all you may need to collaborate in the initiative in our wiki:  Project Lockdown:

We strive to provide all the information you may need. If there is anything you feel is incomplete or not sufficiently explained please reach out to us by opening an  Ideas Discussion.

Last updated