🤝Private Instance Agreement

Version 1.4

1. About this Agreement

1.1 Parties

This agreement, hereinafter The Agreement, is to be subscribed between

The IO Foundation as the host of the TechUp initiative,

hereinafter TechUp

with official email

[email protected]

hereinafter TechUp Email



hereinafter The Customer

with official email

Customer Email

hereinafter Customer Email

hereinafter collectively called The Parties

1.2 Purpose

The Parties agree to the following relevant information:

Use of the Airmeet platform

Coding Bootcamp by the Customer

hereinafter The Use

Activities Programming classes, mentorships

hereinafter The Activities

Content duration

1 hour / day

hereinafter The Content Duration


100-120 PAX

hereinafter The Audience


20 PAX

hereinafter The Speakers

1.3 Execution dates

The Parties agree on the following relevant dates:

Configuration Info Template Submission


hereinafter The CITS Date

Configuration Info Client Submission


hereinafter The CICS Date

Platform Setup Deadline

PSD Date

hereinafter The PSD Date

Training Session

TS Date

hereinafter The TS Date


Payment Date

hereinafter The Payment Date

Start of Event

SOE Date

hereinafter The SoE Date

End of Event

EOE Date

hereinafter The EoE Date

Event Accessible Until

EAU Date

hereinafter The EAU Date

1.4 Pricing

The Parties agree upon the following pricing, hereinafter The Pricing:

Platform price RM 2000

hereinafter The Platform Price

Additional Audience Price

RM 20

hereinafter The AA Price

Booth price

20% over selling price by the Customer

hereinafter The Booth Price

Booth setup Price

RM 50 / unit (when performed by TechUp)

hereinafter The BS Price

Hour of work Price

RM 50 / hour

hereinafter The HoW Price

which will be settled respecting the following payment conditions


  • Platform

    • upon reservation 50%

    • upon delivery 50%

  • Booths

    • At creation by TechUp

hereinafter The Payment Conditions

1.5 Signatures

For the Customer Customer Representative Name Customer Representative Title Customer Representative Signature

For TechUp (The IO Foundation) TechUp Representative Name TechUp Representative Title TechUp Representative Signature

signed on the

Signature Date

hereinafter The Signature Date

2. Terms of the Agreement

2.1. About this Agreement

2.1.1 Both Parties enter voluntarily this Agreement with the intention of TechUp providing number of Services and The Customer receiving said Services.

2.1.2 Both Parties agree on the Pricing in its entirety.

2.1.4 This Agreement will enter in effect immediately from the Signature Date and until the EAU Date.

2.1.5 This Agreement can be made void by any of the parties with a prior notice of 1 month to be notified officially through email to TechUP at Techup Email.

By signing this Agreement, the Parties agree to comply with all the Terms.

2.2 Branding

2.2.1 Customer is allowed to use its own branding to configure the Instance and in any promotion campaign.

2.2.2 All promotions will have to include the “Powered by TechUp” logo, which TechUp will provide.

2.3 Commercialization and Subletting / Reselling

2.3.1 Customer can sell access to the Instance, for which it will use its own payment gateway, at the price of its choosing and shall keep all the proceedings.

2.3.2 Customer is authorized to sell virtual booths to other organizations, hereinafter The Vendors.

2.3.3 The Customer may charge at its sole discretion for this service to the Vendor.

2.3.4 The Customer shall pay TechUp for each virtual booth in accordance to the Pricing.

2.3.5 TechUp is allowed to refer Audience and Vendors if it deems it necessary and/or beneficial.

3. Services

3.1 Nature of Services

3.1.1 TechUp provides event hosting services through the Airmeet platforms, hereinafter The Platform.

3.1.2 The Customer has expressed interest in using its own instance of the Platform, hereinafter The Instance.

3.1.3 The Customer will Use the Platform solely for the Activities and in accordance to the Terms of this Agreement.

3.2 Features available in the Instance

3.2.1 The Customer will have access in its Instance to all the features that TechUp has over the Platform.

3.2.2 The Customer will be given a virtual booth for its use.

3.3 Management of the Instance

3.3.1 TechUp shall fully manage the Instance, taking responsibility for its Configuration and starting sessions or conferring Co-Host status to the corresponding Speaker when necessary.

3.3.2 TechUp shall also take care of managing its own virtual booth.

3.4 Setup of the Instance

3.4.1 Upon signature of this Agreement, TechUp will prepare a Configuration Template detailing all the information necessary to configure the Platform that will be sent to the customer on CITS Date.

3.4.2 Customer will submit all the Configuration information, hereinafter The Configuration, to TechUp no later than CICS Date. Failure to comply with the above will incur in the same delay of days to be added to PSD Date.

3.4.3 TechUp will configure the Instance in accordance to the Configuration no later than PSD Date. Failure to comply with the above will incur in the Penalties.

3.4.4 Once the Instance delivered, the Customer may request small touch-ups that won't exceed 2h of work. Any further touch up time will be charged as per HoW Price.

3.4.5 Booth configuration will be the responsibility of the Booth’s owner. The Customer may take upon this responsibility should that be agreed with the Vendor. TechUp may take upon this responsibility in accordance to the Pricing

3.5 Instance's Lifecycle

3.5.1 The Instance will be managed according to the following lifecycle:

  • Creation and Configuration

    Upon Payment and until PSD Date

  • Event Started and running

    From SoE date to EoE date

  • Event finalized and accessible for replay

    From EoE date to EAU date

  • Event archived

    From EAU onwards

3.6 Execution

3.6.1 The Customer will ensure that the Speakers attend the Training Sessions.

3.6.2 The Customer will ensure that Speakers attend on time (10 minutes before the session) to receive their co-host status.

3.7 Analytics

3.7.1 TechUp will provide Analytics to Customer on a monthly basis. Ad-hoc will be possible under reasonable circumstances.

4. Additional provisions

4.1 Outreach and Promotion

4.1.1 Customer will be responsible for all marketing involved with the Instance.

4.1.2 TechUp is allowed to promote the Instance and reference it on its reports.

4.1.3 In accordance to xxx. any such promotions will carry the "Powered by TechUp" logo.

4.1.4 TechUp will have a booth in the Instance that will be entirely managed by it. The booth will serve as passive promotion for TechUp.

4.1.5 The IO Foundation will have a booth in the Instance that will be entirely managed by it. The booth will serve as passive promotion for The IO Foundation.

4.2 Data privacy and compliance

4.2.1 TechUp will not use the data of the Audience for any purpose (commercial or otherwise) except the necessary for the correct execution of the Services in the Instance.

4.2.2 All Parties will be responsible for the manipulation of the Audience's data in their possession and this in accordance to the applicable legislation.

4.2.3 TechUp provides a reference CoC. Customer may it or resort to its own custom CoC, which will need to be provided as part of the Configuration.

4.2.4 Customer will be responsible to enforce the Instance’s CoC. TechUp shall not be responsible for any breach of CoC.

4.3 Additional Services

4.3.1 Customer may want to use the following additional services for the purpose of marketing or to provide extra value to its Audience.


Digital Certificates


RM5 per PAX



Consult with TechUp


n8n / Pabbly / Integromat / IFFT

Consult with TechUp

SocMed automation


Consult with TechUp



Consult with TechUp



RM5 per URL

Custom videos


Consult with TechUp

Last updated


The IO Foundation